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HA-LHB B767-200 Malev
The third Hungarian aircraft seen today, very popular tourist destination obviously...!

HS-OTA B757-200 One-Two-Go
The only 757 of theirs seen today, think it is ex-Phuket Air

D-AIHA A340-600 Lufthansa
The only -600 we saw fly all day (Thai were out or in maint) and it went onto other runway....!

HS-TDG B737-400 Thai A/W
The only 737 in new colours, but look how dirty the front of the a/c is...!

OE-LAK A340-300 Austrian
ok, another European A340, and another 1st for me...! Sun low in the sky & behind the a/c now

F-GLZP A340-300 Air France
and another European A340 operator.....that's the lot

XU-365 An-12 Imtrec Avtn
A 2nd Antonov 12 from the same company as seen earlier

HS-AKU B737-200 Phuket Air
This only operated the one flight, and I believe it's their one and only airworthy plane....!

OH-LGE MD-11 Finnair
Still with the Santa logo on the side, seen arriving on the other runway (how annoying is that...!)

HS-UTK B747-300 One-Two-Go
Arriving back after another short flight, being light, it floated past us, for a touchdown into the sun

Knot (left) & Prompong (right)
The guys who helped me so much from just an initial e-mail contact. Thanks again guys..!

    A Thai photographer took this, who wrote an article for the Thai aviation press, about distant visitors & their equipment values

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© Dave Jefferys 2006